Мarch 2012

Thierry de Montbrial A Russian Diary 

of the French Institute of International Relations, Thierry de Montbrial brush in this "Russian Diary" a the fascinating picture of Russia from 1977 to contemporary days. Over the years and many trips he made on the Russian mother land punctuated by encounters with the most important people of the country, the author highlights the political, economic, social and cultural changes that have shaken Russia since thirty years.

Packed with anecdotes and unexpected printouts, overturning stereotypes of "politically correct", this book deciphers particularly crucial years of the Cold War, the fall of communism, and  the breakthrough of freedom.

Through lucid, sometimes amused observations by the author, this book provides the key to understanding Russia and the world we know today.

A Russian Diary by Thierry de Montbrial,
Journal de Russie, currently available
only in French
Editions du Rocher, 2012, 480 pages, € 29.90

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